
Hannah Chism
Mental Health Therapist

Who Am I As a Therapist: I care about my clients! The therapy space I hold for clients is "you are loved." I am intentional about being present with clients and brainstorm/research/consult outside of session of how to help you heal. I am also open-minded and want you to 'Come as you are.' Bring what you are ready to bring, when you are ready to bring it.

My Professional Background: I have been specializing in complex trauma and dissociative disorders for the past four years. Clients have primarily initially come to me with career, anxiety, or depression struggles. I have been able to help clients work through deeper rooted issues contributing to their relationship struggles, career uncertainties, battles with anxiety and depression, struggles with substance use and addiction, incongruency of self/choices, and unresolved childhood and attachment issues time and time again. I have had a phenomenal supervisor, who specializes in complex trauma and dissociation help guide me in supporting my clients. I continue to reach out to her for consultation when needed, so that I can best support clients in living more congruent lives.

I have ran a successful, stable private practice since May of 2020. I spent from May 2020 until May 2024 working with clients in Colorado Springs, CO and relocated to Wildwood, MO in June 2024. As of October 1, 2024 I am opening a private counseling practice in Ellisville, MO and looking forward to walking with new clients in their season of life.

I attained my MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Denver Seminary and am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Missouri and Colorado. I am a nationally recognized board certified counselor (NCC) and am EMDR-trained through EMDRIA. I have a professional background in both human resources and teaching, prior to entering the counseling profession.

Who I Am As a Person: When I'm not with my clients, I'm with my kiddos who bring me lots of joy, love, adventure, and humility. My small slivers of re-centering time in regular life involve running, listening to music or books, and writing. The big adventures that I look most forward to are traveling with my husband and kids and being in the mountains whenever I have the opportunity. And, of course, this section would be incomplete without stating that I love our dogs, especially our 90 pound, handsome chocolate lab.


Timshel Counseling


Timshel: "Thou mayest..." You have a choice. So much of what I have done and continue to practice as a therapist is supporting clients in identifying and understanding their choices. There may have been times in life where choices were taken away from us. But now, as an adult, it is important to see what your choices are now. In part, this means the perspective we take on what happened in our lives and how we want it to impact us. What will we do about what's been done? What happened cannot be changed, but its impact can. Increasing autonomy and self-agency is a critical part in having healthier relationships, self-esteem, self-worth, and living a more congruent life.

The inspiration for Timshel reaches far. "Timshel" by Mumford and Sons has always pulled on my spirit in such a profound way, often bringing tears to my eyes. John Steinbeck in "East of Eden" painted the heaviness of choices so remarkably, weaving in notes of the story of Cain & Abel in the Bible... We are all faced with choices - daily - nearly millions of them - it can be so overwhelming. But we do have choices of how we live our lives. Part of my role is helping clients navigate how they desire to live theirs and help them honor those desires.

Some history behind the name change: After many years of mulling this over, I decided to change Peripateo Consulting to Timshel Counseling. Peripateo began in 2017 as a career coaching business and grew into a private counseling practice. As such, having “counseling” in the title seems pretty darn appropriate. And, “Timshel” seems like a great fit for what I help clients foster: identifying and finding choices in their lives. More to come on that, but wanted to give you an update that you will now be seeing Timshel Counseling instead of Peripateo Consulting. Cheers to yet another new adventure but one that I am stepping into with immense ease.

Why Peripateo originally? "Peripateo" became an anthem in my life in 2005. It gave me resilience. It reminded me to persevere. It helped me feel not alone. That my feet are not the first to walk the steps of this broken world... and to keep going. Even when I do not know where I am going.

There are seasons of life that are so disorienting that even one step feels impossible. Where it's so clouded and difficult to see any hope ahead. Where we feel so desperately alone. Where tears or anger are our only words. And it seems no one understands. In these moments, all we can do is look at right where we are and take one step.

You may be in this season. Or this season may be way behind you.

It took seeing several of the wrong fit therapists and years into my adult life for me to find the right therapist fit and the healing I needed. Once I found the right fit, it took us several years to work through buried attachment hurt that was impacting my family and myself. A combo of several factors, but primarily, my wonderful therapist, Ego State Therapy techniques and EMDR Therapy, truly helped me heal and step into my present adult self. My healing resulted in me being more self confident, secure in my relationships, and living a more congruent life.

Peripateo is here to help you navigate this challenging life, from right where you are today. To not have to do it alone. And for an opportunity to be seen by someone. The precious space I hold for my clients during our time together is: YOU are LOVED, come as you are, you are not alone and I see you.

I help people better understand themselves and where they have come from and get a better idea of where they would like to head. I am a season holder in people's lives and get the honor of walking alongside people during certain seasons of their life, to help them gain more autonomy, clarity, and congruency in their life.

Here is a link to a video posted on LinkedIn where I discuss Peripateo's concept in more depth: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hannahchism_careercoaching-life-choices-activity-6676545722852220929-2uHr.

"Peripateo" (per-ee-pat-eh'-o) means to: walk, journey, progress, live, to make one's way...

Next steps...

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me today to see if we are a good fit!

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